Peterborough County Genealogy

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Material on a family can take many forms, from a book to a single sheet of paper. Many sources cover more than Peterborough County; the list below may contain everything they have. Where possible I have identified the form, using the following codes:
    EDS - Early Dummer Settlers
    FH - Family History, used only if the source identifies them as such.
    S - Settlers Sheet Where a maiden name is given the wife is indexed too.
This list includes settlers to all the KBOGS area, not just Peterborough County
, from KBOGS, a sheet showing an original settler and his children.

The location of the material is as follows:
    EDS - Information on all the people in or associated with Dummer Twp before 1852. The information is online at
    KBOGS - Kawartha Branch, Ontario Genealogical Society

Families A
Families B
Families C
Families D
Families E
Families F
Families G
Families H
Families I, J, and K
Families L
Families M
Families Mac and Mc
Families N and O
Families P and Q
Families R
Families S
Families T, U, and V
Families W
Families X, Y, and Z