Wesleyan Methodist Church of Canada
Percy Circuit

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In Northumberland Co but parts of the circuit were in Peterborough Co until 1863.

            1852                                        George Carr

            1853                                        George Carr, Jay S Youmans

            1854 - 1855                            William H Williams, Jay S Youmans

            1856                                        Edward A Ward, Arthur Browning, D Sutherland

            1857                                        Edward A Ward, William Sanderson, William E Walker

            1858 - 1859                            Vincent B Howard, Andrew L Peterson

            1858                                        3 churches, 21 preaching places, 1 new church built (Cobourg District Minutes 1858 May 27)

            1860                                        William L Scott, James E Richardson

            1861                                        Ephraim L Koyl, James E Richardson

            1862                                        Ephraim L Koyl

            1863                                        parts given to Hastings Mission, Percy Circuit continues but without Peterborough Co locations.