Wesleyan Methodist Church of Canada
Lakefield, Mud Lake and Warsaw Circuit

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Lakefield, Mud Lake and Warsaw Circuit

Some say this was named Lakefield, Bridgenorth, and Mud Lake Circuit. That makes more sense. However, “Lakefield, Mud Lake, and Warsaw” is the name given in Cornish and in WMMS.

            1861                                        name changed from Bridgenorth Mission

            1861 - 1862                            David A Johnston

            1861                                        consists of at least Lakefield, Robinsons, McKees, Bridgenorth, Indian Village (WMMS)

            1861 - 1867                            Mud Lake attached

            1862                                        consists of at least McKees, Lakefield, Bridgenorth, Robinsons (WMMS)

            1863                                        Ephraim L Koyl, William R Barker

            1863 - 1864                            consists of at least Lakefield, McKees, Mud Lake Indian, Bridgenorth, Robinsons, Grants, Carveths, Warsaw (WMMS)

            1864                                        Ephraim L Koyl, George McNamara

            1865                                        William Sheridan, Joseph H Stinson

            1865                                        The new Burleigh Road settlements were attached to Lakefield. They were building a church. (WMMS)

            1865                                        consists of at least Lakefield, McKees, Mud Lake Indian, Bridgenorth, Robinsons, Grants, Warsaw (WMMS)

            1866 - 1867                            William Sheridan

            1866                                        Warsaw detached

            1866                                        consists of at least Lakefield, McKees, Robinsons, Bridgenorth, Mud Lake (WMMS and history listed under McKees)

            1867                                        Mud Lake detatched (??)

            1867 - 1868                            consists of at least Lakefield, McKees, Robinsons, Bridgenorth, Chemong (formerly Mud Lake Indian) (WMMS)

            1868 - 1869                            William H Schofield

            1869 - 1873                            consists of at least Lakefield, McKees, Robinsons, Bridgenorth (WMMS)

            1870 - 1871                            Henry McDowell

            1872                                        Henry McDowell, Francis Johnson

            1873                                        William L Scott

            1874                                        to Methodist Church of Canada as the Lakefield Circuit