Wesleyan Methodist Church of Canada
Halls Bridge Mission

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Wesley United Church, 125th Anniversary, 1867 - 1992. UCA: BX 9882.8 L34 W47 (1992)

            1868                                        formed from part of the Burleigh Road Mission. It is possible that the Burleigh Road Mission was first renamed Halls Bridge and it was split in 1869 into Halls Bridge and Chandos.

            1868                                        Cornelius A Jones, David Winter

            1868                                        new church dedicated and contract for church “at Harvey appointment” soon to be let. (WMMS)

            1868                                        consists of at least Wesley, Smithtown, Stones, McIlmoyls, Youngs (WMMS)

            1869                                        James W Sloan

            1869                                        4 appointments plus the Indian Mission (WMMS)

            1869 - 1870                            consists of at least Wesley Church, Harvey, Sandy Lake (WMMS)

            1870 - 1871                            David Hardie

            1870                                        4 appointments in summer, 5 in winter, plus the Indian Mission (WMMS)

            1871 - 1873                            consists of at least Wesley Church, Harvey

            1872                                        John Hodgson

            1873                                        William Craig

            1874                                        to Methodist Church of Canada