United Church of Canada
Wesley Charge

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Wesley United Church, 125th Anniversary, 1867 - 1992. UCA: BX 9882.8 L34 W47 (1992)

See registers listed under Bridgenorth Charge and Buckhorn Charge

There is some general information in the UCA: LCHF.


            1932                                        name seems to have been changed from Halls Bridge Charge

            1932 - 1935                            Elgie E M Joblin (student) (Wesley, Curve Lake, Lakehurst)

            1936 - 1938                            Ken R Stewart (student in first year, perhaps more)

            1939 - 1941                            K S Brenton (lay supply, student supply in 1941)

            1942                                        S A Northey (lay supply)

            1943 - 1944                            R G Kitchen (lay supply)

            1945                                        lay supply

            1946                                        vacant

            1947 - 1963                            Kenneth Stewart (lay supply) (Wesley, Lakehurst)

            1954                                        Curve Lake attached (not listed in the Year Books before this)

            1964 - 1966                            L B Woods

            1967                                        C Earl Taft

            1968                                        joined with Bridgenorth to form Bridgenorth Wesley Charge