United Church of Canada
Lakefield Charge

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Regent St, Lakefield, K0L 2H0 705-652-3126

There is some general information in the UCA: LCHF.

            Lakefield is rather complex because: (1) the Presbyterian church (Knox) and the Methodist church (Regent St) entered the union in 1925 but did not join together until 1933, (2) the United Church Yearbooks seem to have invented a phantom church (St Pauls) from 1925 to 1927, (3) a number of the Presbyterian congregation refused union and established their own Presbyterian church (St Andrews).


            1933                                        Knox and Regent St combined to form Lakefield United church

            1931 - 1935                            William R Archer (Lakefield, Youngs Point)

            1936 - 1949                            George F Kelly

            1950 - 1952                            Walton H Tonge

            1953 - 1954                            H C Wolfraim

            1955                                        vacant

            1956 - 1960                            Albert W Osborne

            1961 - 1970                            Gordon Ballantyne

            1971 - 1979                            John H (Jack) Patterson

            1980                                        vacant

            1981 - 1985                            Mark L Gibson

            1986                                        vacant

            1987 - 1992                            David K Shearman

            1993                                        vacant

            1994 - 2001                            George N Addison, Kathleen J Addison (diaconal minister)

            2002 - 2003                            James W Moulton (retired)

            2003 - 2011                            Warren D Vollmer

            2011                                        consists of Lakefield, Youngs Point