United Church of Canada
Bailieboro - Springville Charge

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There is some general information in the UCA: LCHF.

            1968                                        Springville and Bailieboro joined

            1969 - 1979                            Emmerson F Dorsch

            1980 - 1984                            John A Lock (supply in 1980)

            1985                                        vacant

            1985 Sep - 1986 Sep               Don Genge (student)

            1986 Sep - 2001                     John E Peters

            2002 - 2004                            Kenneth G Purdon (retired)

            2005 - 2008                            Ann E Austin-Cardwell

            2009 - 2011                            John G Sloan

            2011                                        Consists of Bailieboro (Emmanuel), Springville