Presbyterian Church in Canada
Clydesdale Church

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(includes Apsley) (Chandos Twp)

UCA has some church records, including a collection book, 1890 - 1901. Microfilm LCM-78 and originals. Other records are in with Coe Hill records at UCA (see Coe Hill under the Methodist Church)


            1882                                        church built on land donated by John McKee, Chandos C13 L25 (Chandos Twp hist)

            1882 Aug                                church opened

            1886 Sep 21                            Congregation erected

            1886                                        Received

            see Chandos and Burleigh (impossible to work out dates)

            1901 - 1910 (perhaps more)   Worked with Thanet, Coe Hill, and The Ridge in Hastings Co (Kingston Presbytery) so records may be there.

            1901                                        second church built

            1918                                        both Apsley and Clydesdale went to Methodist Church, due to Presbyterian difficulties finding ministers.