Methodist Church of Canada
Lakefield Circuit

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            1896 Sep 17 - 1916 Apr 27 at UCA: 91.073L 2-4 on microfilm LCM-89

                        The first entry in the book is for 1916 Apr 17. It then follows ordinary dating.

            1916 Jun 21-1934 Jun 16 at UCA: 91.073L 2-5

From 1930 on, the marriages are on loose sheets in the back, except for one marriage in the index, under D (1932 Jun 8). The index itself is incomplete.

Circuit Register

            1884 - 1912 st UCA: 91.073L 2-3, microfilm LCM-89

Listed by class. Not in alphabetical order. Includes several Lakefield classes and one each from Robinson’s, Selwyn, Bridgenorth, Zion, Youngs Point. Dates: 1884, 1885 May, 1888 May

Lakefield and Youngs Point only: 1891 May, 1892 Jun (only one class), 1893 Jul, inserted here is one page “Lay composition of the Quarterly Board, June 1894", undated class lists (probably 1894), 1899, 1902, 1903 Jun, several undated, an obit of Thomas E Bell written by himself

            1912-1930 at UCA: 91.073L 3os-2

List of members. Listed by year, in each year Lakefield then Youngs Point. May 15 for the following years: 1912, 13, 15, 18 June, 21, 22, 25 May 1. Some names are not in alphabetical order and there frequently are additions or notes at the end of a section.

                        List of “new members received”: 1926 May 16, 26 Dec 12, 27 Apr 10, 27 Jun 26

                        List of members: 1929 Jan, 30 Jan.

Quarterly Board Minutes 1884-1912 at UCA: 91.073L 2-1 microfilm LCM-90


            1884                                        from Methodist Church of Canada (Lakefield Circuit) and Bible Christian (Lakefield Circuit)

            1884                                        William Johnston, S J Thompson

            1885                                        James McFarlane, W H Learoyd

            1885                                        consists of at least Lakefield North Ward, South Ward, Robinsons, Bridgenorth, Selwyn, Zion, Youngs Point (MMS)

            1886                                        James McFarlane, James McMullen

            1886                                        consists of at least Lakefield, Robinsons, Bridgenorth, Selwyn, Youngs Point (MMS)

            1887                                        James McFarlane, W H Buckler

            1887 - 1888                            consists of at least Lakefield (sometimes North Ward and South Ward), Robinsons, Bridgenorth, Selwyn, Zion, Youngs Point (MMS)

            1888 - 1889                            Francis Johnston, Charles H Coon

            1889                                        circuit divided, all but Lakefield (and apparently Youngs Point) moved to new Bridgenorth Circuit.

            1889 - 1905                            consists of at least Lakefield (sometimes East and West), Youngs Point (MMS)

            1890                                        Francis Johnston

            1891 - 1893                            Samuel T Bartlett

            1894 - 1895                            William Limbert

            1896 - 1898                            Thos J Edmison

            1899 - 1901                            John Armstrong McCamus

            1902 - 1905                            Walter T Leggott (Thomas W Leggott?)

            1906 - 1909                            John Bedford

            1910                                        William Jay M Cragg

            1911 - 1912                            Charles H Coon

            1911 - 1919                            consists of at least Lakefield, Youngs Point (MMS)

            1913 - 1914                            William Johnston

            1915                                        2 Preaching appointments.

            1915 - 1917                            Charles W Barrett

            1918                                        D Egerton Johnston

            1919 - 1921                            Soford F Dixon

            1922 - 1924                            Charles E Reddick

            1924                                        consists of at least Lakefield, Youngs Point (MMS)

            1925                                        Stilman A Kemp (2 preaching appointments)

            1925                                        to United Church as Lakefield-Regent St