Methodist Church of Canada (1884 - 1925)

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Common short forms: M, Meth

Formed by the 1884 union of The Methodist Church of Canada, the Bible Christian Church, The Methodist Episcopal Church in Canada, and the Primitive Methodist Church in Canada. It entered the union of 1925 that formed the United Church.

See Wesleyan Methodist Baptismal Register, Peterborough Co 1825-1896 - OGS(Kawartha) (2001) ISBN 0-7779-2052-2 for a listing of baptisms performed Wesleyan Methodist Church in Canada up to 1874, the Methodist Church of Canada 1874-1884, and the Methodist Church (Canada) after 1884. Read the Introduction and Users’ Guide carefully!

Information below from annual Minutes of Conferences (later called the Yearbook) and from the Methodist Missionary Society (MMS) reports. In 1884, the MMS reports did not give a breakdown of donations within a mission or charge. 1906-1910 does not list appointments, and from 1906 on there is no report from the missions. See the note in Wesleyan Methodists for a fuller explanation.

The congregations listed below are all in the Bay of Quinte Conference but in the Brighton, Campbellford, Lindsay, Madoc, and Peterborough Districts. The UCA has Conference and District Minutes, which have not been checked for this work.