C4 L10E

1831 Sep 21    Located           *Donald McIntosh                                                      (McDonnell)

1836 May 17  Will                *Donald McIntosh to *Margaret McIntosh (wife) for her life, then to sons William, John, and Hugh

                                                                        (UCS-McIntosh William & Copybook GS5056 #359)

1838 Apr 4     Land to be forfeited within 12 months – from Crown Lands Dept     (RG1 A-IV vol 57)

                                                Nominee: *Donald McIntosh

1842 Nov 21   *William McIntosh paid his brother *Hugh McIntosh £50 for his share in C4 L10E

(UCS-McIntosh William)

1842 Nov 21   *William McIntosh paid his brother *John McIntosh £50 for his share in C4 L10E

                                                                                                                        (UCS-McIntosh William)

1844 Nov 11   Petition from *James McIntosh for land due from the military service of his father

                                                He claimed to be heir-at-law of his father (he wasn’t)           (TP pg 694)

1845 may 31   Letter pointing out that brother James was not heir-at-law of his father        (TP pg 696)

                                                And accusing James of applying for the patent to C4 L10E

1848 Jul 25     Petition for patent by *William McIntosh                                          (UCLP)

1857 Apr 3     B&S                *William McIntosh to *Philip Fitzpatrick      incorrect date  (AI 12 177)

1857 Nov 6     Patent              *William McIntosh                                                    (Abstract Index)

1858 Feb 26    B&S                *William McIntosh to *Philip Fitzpatrick      (Copybook GS4976 #12 177)

C4 L10W

1831 Nov 1     Located           *James McIntosh                                                        (McDonnell)

1831 Dec 23   Purchase         *James McIntosh                                                        (TP pg 699)

1838 Apr 4     Land to be forfeited within 12 months – from Crown Lands Dept     (RG1 A-IV vol 57)

                                                Nominee: *James McIntosh

1843 Mar 13   Petition for patent to C4 L10NW by *James McIntosh                     (UCLP)

                                                            C4 L10SW of no value (swamp)

1843 Sep 8      Petition approved                                                                               (UCLP)

C4 L10NW

1843 Nov 8     Patent              *James McIntosh                                                        (Abstract Index)

1855 Dec 10   Auction           (9 acres)          to Adolphus Mahone              (Copybook GS4976 #9697)

1861 Mar 13   Auction           (9 acres)          to *James McIntosh                (Copybook GS4977 #14 544)

1871 Apr 25   Will                *James McIntosh to Hannah for life                          (AI 362)

C4 L10SW

1864 Dec 5     Patent              Mark Burnham