C3 L18N

1831 Jun 13    Located           *John O’Brien                                                            (McDonnell)

c1839              *John O’Brien left C3 L18N and went to Peterborough        (UCLP-White William)

c1851              Assign            *John O’Brien to *William White                 (UCLP-White William)

1852 Oct 2      Petition to buy C3 L18N by *William White                                     (UCLP)

1857 Nov 6     Patent              *William White                                                          (AI)

1858 May 5    Indenture        *William White to *Edward Payne                (Copybook GS4976 #12 346)

1865 Sep 14    B&S                *Edward Payne to *William Thompson (Copybook GS4977 #17 997-1)

1865 Sep 14    B&S                *William Thompson to *Sarah Ann Payne (Copybook GS4977 #17 997-2)

C3 L18S

1831 Jun 29    Located           *Lawrence O’Brien                                                    (McDonnell)

1831 Dec 23   Purchase         *Lawrence O’Brien                                                    (TP pg 567)

                        He never settled                                                                      (UCLP-Payne George)

1844 Dec 17   Petition from *George Payne requesting purchase of C3 L18S which he has been improving                                                       (UCLP)

                                                The surveyor valued C3 L18S at 1/3 per acre (ie poor land).

                                                Permission to purchase given.

1847 Jun 30    Patent              *George Payne                                                           (AI)

(Bylaw 49 / 347)

C3 L18SE

1865 Oct 16    Indenture        *George Payne to *Joseph Payne                   (Copybook GS4977 #18 034)