C1 L12           (became Warsaw)

1833 Apr 20   Letter from *Z Burnham requesting free grant of C1 L12 to erect saw and grist mills

                                                Robert Rogers will operate them                                (TP pg 85)

1835 Jun 17    Petition from *Thomas Hartwell requesting C1 L12 in order to erect grist and sawmills.

                                                                                                            Approved.       (UCLP)

1836 May 28  Patent              *Thomas Hartwell                                                      (AI)

At some point *Zaccheus Burnham acquired part of C1 L12 (Warsaw)

1846 Apr 11   Indenture (Part, 4 acres) *Z Burnham to Church Society of the Diocese of Toronto

(Copybook GS5057 #1658)

1854 Aug 29   Trust Deed      ??                                                                                (AI 12 209)

1856 Jun 12    Will                *Z Burnham to Robert Z Rogers                    (Copybook GS4976 #13 240)