Tearney, Dudley

c1791              Birth                                                                                                               (1839 Census)

                                                                        40th Foot                                                         (Military C, vol 221)

1831 Aug 14   Located on C4 L4W               Comm pensioner                                            (McDonnell 1837)

1839                Cens    Age: 48, Religion: CofE, m<16: 1, m>16: 5, f<16: 0, f>16: 1

1839                Asmt   C4 L4W

1840                Cens    Religion: CofE, m<16: 1, m>16: 3, f<16: 0, f>16: 1

1840                Asmt   C4 L4W

1840 Oct 20    B&S    C4 L4W “E 1/4" (50 acres)    sold to *John McTiernan        (Copybook GS5056 #260)

1841                Asmt   C4 L4W

1843 Feb 23    Patent  C4 L4W          “McTiernan”                                                               (Abstract Index)

1853 Apr 21   Indenture C4 L4W East half               to *James Barber                    (Copybook GS4976 #11 222)

                                    McTiernan      Res: Toronto   Wife: Rachel