Spears, John 5

c1838              Birth   Canada                        Parents: *John Spears, *Euphemia                 (1852 Census)

c1840              Birth   Ireland                        Parents: *John Spears, *Euphemia                 (1861 Census)

c1844              Birth   Ireland                                                                                                (1871 Census)

1852                Cens    Age: 14, Religion: Bap, Birth: Canada, Occupation: , F/L: 39/19

1861                Cens    Age: 21, Religion: Bap, Birth: Ireland, Occupation: Labourer, F/L: 7/44

1871                Cens    Age: 27, Religion: Bap, Birth: Ireland, Occupation: Farmer, Div/F/L: 1/25/8

                                                            With him: mother and three siblings

1871                Cens    Sched 4, C3 L6, Owner, Acres: 46, Div/F/L: 1/5/13

1881                Cens    perhaps 1/42/20 if m Jane E