Spear, John 3

c1811              Birth   Ireland                                                                                                (1881 Census)

c1816              Birth   Ireland                                                                                                (1891 Census)

c1818              Birth   Ireland                                                                                                (1871 Census)

c1827              Birth   Ireland                                                                                                (1861 Census)

1845 Oct 7      Marr    *Margaret Jameison (of Cavan)         Rev Richard Phelps, WM       (MRUC vol 10 p11)

                                                            wit: John Knox, John Scott

1852                Cens    not found in Peterborough or Bruce Co

1861                Cens    Age: 34, Religion: CofE, Birth: Ireland, Occupation: Farmer, F/L: Arran 45/31

                                    Assumption: same family as 1871 Census (last 4 children the same)

1871                Cens    Age: 53, Religion: WM, Birth: Ireland, Occupation: Farmer, Div/F/L: Arran 3/58/2

                                    Assumption: above based on names John & Margaret, and John & Charles side-by-side

1881                Cens    Age: 70, Religion: Meth, Birth: Ireland, Occupation: Farmer, Div/F/L: Arran 2/22/5

1891                Cens    Age: 75, Religion: Meth, Birth: Ireland, Occupation: Farmer, Div/F/L: Arran 3/4/17

                                                            Father’s birthplace: Ireland, Mother’s birthplace: Ireland

1901                Cens    not found in Bruce Co


                                    c1842              Sarah Jane

                                    c1843              Anne

                                    c1844              John

                                    c1846              Frances

                                    c1848              Eliza

                                    c1851              Rebecca

                                    c1853              Alexander

                                    c1855              Charles J

                                    c1857              Margaret