Sanders, James

1831 Jun 13    Located on C2 L17S               Wiltshire settler, England (see note)              (McDonnell 1837)

1831 Dec 26   Purchase C2 L17S from Crown Lands                                                           (TP pg 307)

1834 Sep 29    Marr    Susanna Disney (of Douro)                            (Register, St John Anglican, Peterborough)

1837 Jan 2      Petition of Dummer Settlers                                                                           (UCLP)

c1837              He left his family and was not heard from again                                            (TP pg 309, 321)

c1847?            Susanna sold C2 L17S to *William Thompson                                             (TP pg 318, 321)


                                                            *Mary Ann                                                                 (TP pg 309)