Sampson, George 1                           could be two Georges, father and son, father m Elizabeth

c1817              Birth                                                                                                               (1839 Census)

1838                Pvt, Dummer Militia                                                                                      (Poole p176)

1839                Cens    Age: 22, Religion: Presb, m<16: 0, m>16: 2, f<16: 0, f>16: 2

1839                Asmt   C5 L9E

1840                Cens    Religion: Presb, m<16: 0, m>16: 2, f<16: 0, f>16: 2

1840                Asmt   C5 L9E

1841                Asmt   C5 L9E

1848 Dec 11   B&S    C4 L16E         bought from *James Finlay                            (Copybook GS4976 #2834)

1852                Cens    not found in Peterborough Co