Sampson, Ezekiel

                        Parents: *Andrew Sampson, *Elizabeth                                 (Assumption based on property)

c1809              Birth   Ireland                                                                                                (1891 Census)

c1811              Birth   Ireland                                                                                                (1881 Census)

c1817              Birth   Ireland                                                                                                (1852 Census)

1831 Dec 27   Purchase C5 L9E “on behalf of his mother Elizabeth Sampson”                   (TP pg 990)

1852 Feb 18    B&S    C5 L9E           bought from *Elizabeth Sampson                  (Copybook GS4976 #4912)

1852                Cens    Age: 35, Religion: Bap, Birth: Ireland, Occupation: Weaver, F/L: 61/36

1856 Apr 8     B&S    C5 L9E           to *William John Corrigan                             (Copybook GS4976 #11 003)

1861                Cens    not found in Ontario

1871                Cens    Age: 57, Religion: Bap, Birth: Ireland, Occupation: Colpiture, Div/F/L: Asphodel 3/32/4

1881                Cens    Age: 70, Religion: Bap, Birth: Ireland, Occupation: , Div/F/L: Pbo Town 4/39/21

1891                Cens    Age: 82, Religion: bap, Birth: Ireland, Occupation: , Div/F/L: Pbo Town 5/7/4

                                                            Father’s birthplace: Ireland, Mother’s birthplace: Ireland

No burial in TONI (Pbo Co)