Robertson, Thomas 2                                   often Robinson           May be two people

c1770              Birth                                                                                                               (1839 Census)

1832 Apr 30   Located on C12 L1E              Robinson, Thomas Jr                                      (McDonnell 1837)

1832 Aug 1     Located on C12 L2N              Robinson, Thomas Sr                                     (McDonnell 1837)

1839                Cens    Age: 69, Religion: Presb, m<16: 0, m>16: 2, f<16: 1, f>16: 0

1839                Asmt   C12 L2N, C12 L1E, & C11 L2E

1840                Cens    Religion: Presb, m<16: 1, m>16: 2, f<16: 1, f>16: 0

1840                Asmt   C11 L2E

1840                Asmt   C12 L1E

1840                Asmt   C12 L2N

1841                Cens    Religion: Presb, m<16: 1, m>16: 2, f<16: 1, f>16: 0

1852                Ag       C11 L2           F/L: 65/39

1857 May 5    Patent  C12 L1E         Robinson                                                                    (Abstract Index)

1860 Oct 19    B&S    C12 L1E         to Thomas Ingram                                          (Copybook GS4976 #14 223)

                                                            “Robinson”, Wife: Margaret