Plunkit, John 1

c1769              Birth                                                                                                               (1839 Census)

1831 Jul22      Located on C6 L1S                 Pensioner, Ireland                                           (McDonnell 1837)

1838 Sep 4      Leased C6 L1S        to *Thomas and Sarah Carruthers for their joint lives

                                                                                                                                    (Copybook GS4976 #2512)

1839                Cens    Age: 70, Religion: 1 CofE, 2 Presb, m<16: 1, m>16: 1, f<16: 0, f>16: 1

1839                Asmt   C6 L1S

1840 Aug 28   Patent  C6 L1S                                                                                               (Abstract Index)

1847 Jan 4      B&S    C6 L1S           sold to *Robert Plunkett                                             (Abstract Index)

1861                Ag       C6 L1S           F/L: 51/15