Moore, Gideon

c1847              Birth   Canada                        Parents: *John Moore, *Jane                          (1852 Census)

1850 Jan 10    Birth                                       Parents: *John Moore, *Jane                          (Ch)

1851 Feb 23    Ch       Dummer                                                         (Register, St John Anglican, Peterborough)

1852                Cens    Age: 5, Religion: CofE, Birth: Canada, Occupation: , F/L: 51/28

1861                Cens    not found in Peterborough Co

1870 Mar 10   Marr    Betsy Dunford                                                            (Civil Reg MS932, 1870 pg 222)

                                                            Age: 20, Born: Dummer, Res: Dummer, Religion: --

                                                            Parents: *John Moore, *Jane

                                                            Wit: Henry A Moore (Dummer), Ruth Moore (Dummer)

1871                Cens    Age: 20, Religion: CofE, Birth: Ont, Occupation: –, Div/F/L: 27/20


1871                Cens    Sched 4, C3 L11, Tenant, Acres: -, Div/F/L: 1/6/3

1881                Cens    not found in Peterborough Co

Thought to have moved to Manitoba


                                    1870 Dec        John                                                                            (1871 Census)