Kempt, Kenneth 1                            Kamp, Kump, Kemp

1787 May       Birth   Scotland                                                                                              (Death)

                        Marr    *Ann Williamson

1831 Sep 3      Located on C8 L7E                Scotland                                                          (McDonnell 1837)

1838                Pvt, Dummer Militia                                                                                      (Poole p176)

1839                Cens    Age: 51, Religion: Presb, m<16: 4, m>16: 3, f<16: 4, f>16: 1

1839                Asmt   C8 L7W

1840                Cens    Religion: Presb, m<16: 3, m>16: 3, f<16: 4, f>16: 1

1840                Asmt   C8 L7W

1841                Cens    Religion: Presb, m<16: 4, m>16: 3, f<16: 4, f>16: 1             “Kempt”

1841                Asmt   C8 L3W

1845 Nov        Res      C11 L2W                                                                                            (TP pg 1819)

1851 Jun 20    Patent  C11 L2W                                                                                            (Abstract Index)

1852                Cens    Age: 64, Religion: FP, Birth: Scotland, Occupation: Farmer, F/L: 23/29

1861                Cens    Age: 73, Religion: FP, Birth: Scotland, Occupation: Farmer, F/L: 21/17

1865 Jan 19    Indenture C11 L1W             from James B Greenshields                (Copybook GS4977 #18 508)

1871                Cens    Age: 83, Religion: Cda Presb, Birth: Scotland, Occupation: Farmer, Div/F/L: 2/28/11

1871                Cens    Sched 4, C11 L2, Owner, Acres: 200, Div/F/L: 2/5/17

1872 Mar 5     Will    TVA # 1089               Died: not given

                                                            age 83, late farmer, residing at C11 L2W

                                                            sons: Kenneth and Thomas    C11L2W and C11L1W

                                                            son: Alexander, George, John, William

                                                            dau: Christina, Esther Pettigrew, Mary Ann Burgess, Jane Fife

                                                            Executors: Ann Kempt (wife), John Pettigrew, George Pettigrew

Wit: Wm E Roxburgh (merchant, Norwood), John Pettigrew (farmer, Asphodel)

1876 Nov 2     Death  Vital Statistics # 9647, Age: 89y 6m, Born: Scotland, Religion: Presb

                                                            Informant: Alexander Kempt (son)

1876 Nov 2     Death  Norwood Cemetery (#1519), Stone 260


                                    c1820              *George                      (born Scotland)

                                    1823 May       *Esther                       (born Scotland)

                                    c1823              *Kenneth                    (born Scotland)

                                    c1826              *Alexander                 (born Scotland)

                                    1832 Oct 23    *Christiana                 (born Scotland)

                                    c1833              *Thomas                     (born Scotland)

                                    c1835              *John

                                    c1837              *William

                                    1838 Jul 12     *Mary Ann

                                    1841 Apr 18   *Jane