Ingram, Henry

c1803              Birth   Co Antrim, Ireland                                                                             (Tombstone)

c1804              Birth   Ireland                                                                                                (1852 Census)

c1805              Birth   Ireland                                                                                                (1871 Census)

c1809              Birth                                                                                                               (1839 Census)

c1811              Birth   Ireland                                                                                                (1861 Census)

1831                Marr    *Jane                                                                                      (date from 1861 Census)

1831 Jul 21     Located on C5 L1N                Ireland                                                            (McDonnell 1837)

1831 Dec 27   Purchase C5 L1N                                                                                        (TP pg 909)

1839                Cens    Age: 30, Religion: CofE, m<16: 2, m>16: 1, f<16: 1, f>16: 1

1839                Asmt   C5 L1N

1840                Cens    Religion: CofE, m<16: 2, m>16: 1, f<16: 2, f>16: 1

1840                Asmt   C5 L1N

1841                Asmt   C5 L1N

1846 Apr 23   Patent  C5 L1N                                                                                               (Abstract Index)

1851 May 10  B&S    C5 L2SW       bought from *Alice Jones                              (Copybook GS4976 #4518)

1852                Cens    Age: 48, Religion: CofE, Birth: Ireland, Occupation: Farmer, F/L: 19/11

1852                Ag       C5 L1W          F/L: 73/3

1861                Cens    Age: 50, Religion: WM, Birth: Ireland, Occupation: Farmer, F/L: 10/18

1870 Jun 13    Indenture C12 L1E              to John Robinson                                (Copybook GS4978 #241)

                                    “Heir-at-law of the late Thomas Ingram”       Wife: Jane

1871                Cens    Age: 66, Religion: WM, Birth: Ireland, Occupation: Farmer, Div/F/L: 1/31/9

1871                Cens    Sched 4, C5 L1, Owner, Acres: 150, Div/F/L: 1/6/18

1877 Aug 24   Will    TVA # 1322               Died: 1878 Feb 14 in Lakefield

                                    son: Oliver      C5 L1N and C5 L2SW

                                    son: James

                                    grandson: George Armstrong

                                    “John Ingram (the boy I brought up)” 1/4 acre, “SW corner of C5L1S”

grandchildren “(son James Ingram’s children)” village lot 1 E of Clementi and S of George in Lakefield

                                    Mary McMullins

Executors: John Christopher Sherin (merchant, Lakefield), Thomas Armstrong (labourer, Norwood, son-in-law)

                                    Wit: Samuel Sherin, James Jno Jackman

1877 Aug 24   Res      Lakefield

1878 Feb 14    Res      Lakefield

1878 Feb 14    Death  Norwood Cemetery (#1519), Stone 590


                                    c1832              *James

                                    1835 May 28  *Thomas

                                    c1837              *Sarah

                                    c1839              *Jane

                                    c1841              *Oliver

                                    c1843              *Mary A

                                    c1847              *Charlotte

                                    c1859              John                            (Grandchild?)

                                    c1862              Betty                           (Grandchild? James’ dau?)