Fitzpatrick, Timothy 2

                        Parents are John & Mary                                                                                (Unverified)

c1808              Birth   Ireland                                                                                                (1881 Census)

c1812              Birth   Ireland                                                                                                (1852 Census)

c1816              Birth   Ireland                                                                                    (1861 & 1871 Census)

c1817              Birth                                                                                                               (1839 Census)

                        Marr    *Eliza             Elizabeth in 1861 & 1881 Census

1837 Jan 2      Petition of Dummer Settlers                                                                           (UCLP)

1839                Cens    Age: 22, Religion: RC, m<16: 0, m>16: 1, f<16: 0, f>16: 0

1839                Asmt   C4 L9W

1841                Asmt   C4 L9W

1847 Jun 21    B&S    C4 L9E (5/)    from *John Fitzpatrick                                   (Copybook GS4977 #18 711)

1848 Nov 14   Purchase C4 L8W                                                                                        (TP pg 690)

1848 Nov 18   Patent  C4 L8W                                                                                              (Abstract Index)

1852                Cens    Age: 40, Religion: RC, Birth: Ireland, Occupation: Farmer, F/L: 35/4

1861                Cens    Age: 45, Religion: RC, Birth: Ireland, Occupation: Farmer, F/L: 3/28

1861                Ag       C4 L9             F/L: 50/24

1867 Jan 28    B&S    C4 L9W          from the Canada Co                                       (Copybook GS4977 #19 521)

1871                Cens    Age: 55, Religion: RC, Birth: Ireland, Occupation: Farmer, Div/F/L: 1/55/17

1871                Cens    Sched 4, C4 L9, Owner, Acres: 300, Div/F/L: 1/10/16

1881                Cens    Age: 73, Religion: RC, Birth: Ireland, Occupation: Farmer, Div/F/L: 1/22/7

1891                Cens    Age: 78, Religion: RC, Birth: Ireland, Occupation: Farmer, Div/F/L: 1/10/6

                                                            Father’s birthplace: Ireland, Mother’s birthplace: Ireland

1891 Nov 9     Death  St Paul RC, Asphodel (#1476), Stone 47


                                    c1847              *David

                                    c1849              *Daniel

                                    c1850              *John

                                    c1852              Patrick

                                    c1854              Tim

                                    c1857              Dennis

                                    c1859              William

                                    c1862              Mary Ann

                                    c1864              Elizabeth

                                    c1866              Philip              (died 1878)                                         (Parent’s tombstone)

                                    c1868              Michael

                                    c1870              Charles           (died 1891)                                         (Parent’s tombstone)

                                    c1874              Sarah E