Edwards, Henry

c1848              Birth   Upper Canada             Parents: *Frederick Edwards, *Lydia            (1852 Census)

1848 Aug        Birth   Ont                                                                                                      (1911 Census)

1849 Aug 13   Birth   Ont                                                                                                      (1901 Census)

1852                Cens    Age: 5, Religion: BC, Birth: Canada, Occupation: , F/L: 11/49

1861                Cens    Age: 13, Religion: BC, Birth: Upper Canada, Occupation: , F/L: 28/47

1871                Cens    may be with his brother , Div/F/L: 1/20/3

1881                Cens    Age: 32, Religion: BC, Birth: Ont, Occupation: Farmer, Div/F/L: 1/33/11

                                                            With his brother Samuel

1891                Cens    Age: 42, Religion: Presb, Birth: Ont, Occupation: Farmer, Div/F/L: 2/1/7

                                                            Father’s birthplace: England, Mother’s birthplace: England

                                                            With his brother Samuel

1901                Cens    Born: 1849 Aug 13, Religion: Presb, Birth: Ont, Occupation: Labourer,

                                                            With his brother Samuel                                             Div/F/L: 3/7/44

1911                Cens    Born: 1848 Aug, Religion: Meth, Birth: Ont, Occupation: Farmer, Div/F/L: Douro 5/35

                                                            With his brother Samuel

1921 Jul 17     Death  St Mark Anglican Cemetery (#1502), C1 L13 Stone 309