Dunford, Esit

                        Parents: *Stephen Dunford, *Sarah Mitchell

1829 Mar 2     Birth   Longbridge Deverill, Wiltshire                                                          (Parish register)

1829 May 3    Ch       Longbridge Deverill, Wiltshire                                                          (Parish register)

1831                Imm                                                                                                                (1901 Census)

1849 Mar 26   Marr    Silas Cox (of Douro)                                      (Register, St John Anglican, Peterborough)

                                    wit: Charles Dunford, Anne L...?

                                    They settled in Douro Twp

1852                Cens    Age: 23, Religion: CofE, Birth: England, Occupation: , F/L: Douro 23/25

1861                Cens    Age: 28, Religion: BC, Birth: England, Occupation: , F/L: Douro 8/25

                                                            All five are here, listed as at a lumber shanty.

1861                Cens    Age: 32, Religion: BC, Birth: Canada, Occupation: , F/L: 43/22

                                                            All five are here, listed as out of limits and in Douro

1871                Cens    Age: 43, Religion: BC, Birth: Ont, Occupation: , Div/F/L: Douro 1/43/8

1881                Cens    Age: 53, Religion: BC, Birth: England, Occupation: , Div/F/L: Smith 2/71/20

1891                Cens    Age: 62, Religion: Meth, Birth: England, Occupation: , F/L: Lakefield 44/8

                                                            Father’s birthplace: England, Mother’s birthplace: England

1901                Cens    Born: 1829Mar2, Religion: Meth, Birth: England, Occupation: , F/L: Lakefield 10/20

                                                            Imm 1831

1906 Oct 8      Death  Lakefield Cemetery (#1532), Stone 363


                                    c1851              Elizabeth Sophia                                                         (1852 Douro Census)

                                    1852 May 21  Solomon Josiah

                                    1855 Apr 21   Anna Maria    (Hannah in 1871 Census)