Doherty, John

                        Marr    *Anne

1832 Aug 21   Located on C2 L11W             Disch soldier, 4th Garrison Bttn, Ireland        (McDonnell 1837)

                        Commuted pensioner 4th Garrison Bttn (18 years)                                       (UCLP-Doherty1,2,3)

1839 Apr 26   Petition requesting his deed to C2 L11W. *Elizabeth Johnson had the patent in 1826 but John Doherty had been located on the land in 1832.                                  (UCLP-Doherty1,3)

1842 Feb 26    Council approved that he get the patent to C2 L11W or be remunerated for his improvements.

                                    He did not get the patent.                                                                    (TP pg 229)


                                    1834 Oct 17    *Charlotte