Crow, Thomas                                  Could be two people

                                                            Brother of James                                                        (C Blackett Robinson)

1803                Birth   Co Monaghan, Ireland                                                                        (C Blackett Robinson)

c1809              Birth                                                                                                               (1839 Census)

                                    Pvt, 74th Regt for 2 2/12 years                                                           (UCLP)

                        Marr    *Jane Welch

1831                Imm                                                                                                                (C Blackett Robinson)

1832                Imm                                                                                                                (UCLP2)

1833 Aug 31   Oath of Allegiance                                                                                         (UCLP)

1833 Sep 5      Request for a land grant approved                                                                  (UCLP)

1833 Oct         Located on C6 L23E              74th Foot                                                         (McDonnell 1837)

1837 Oct 23    B&S    C3 L22N         bought from *Alexander Barry                                  (5045 Copybook)

1839                Cens    Age: 30, Religion: CofE, m<16: 2, m>16: 1, f<16: 2, f>16: 1

1839                Asmt   C3 L22N

1839 Jul ?       Petition C6 L23E too poor, moved to his father-in-law’s place, wished to exchange to C5 L4E but Mr Kidd claims that land (Robert Kidd bought it). Thomas did not get it.         (UCLP2)

1840                Cens    Religion: CofE, m<16: 3, m>16: 1, f<16: 2, f>16: 1

1840                Asmt   C3 L22N

1841                Cens    Religion: CofE, m<16: 3, m>16: 1, f<16: 2, f>16: 1

1841                Asmt   C3 L22N

1843                Death                                                                                                              (C Blackett Robinson)

                        Children                                                                      (C Blackett Robinson says six children)

                                    1831                *James                                                                        (Gail Darling)

                                    1835 Nov 14   *Thomas Henry

                                    1836                Francis                                                                        (Gail Darling)

                                    1838 Apr 5     *Jane Selina

                                    1840 Aug 5     *Jordan

                                    1842 Nov 16   *Thomas

                                    1846 Nov 16   *William “Burleigh Bill”