Clysdale, William     generic

1854 Nov 15   B&S    C3 L15E         from *Edward Wilson                                    (Copybook GS4976 #8199)

1855 Mar 15   B&S    C5 L17S         from *John Clysdale                                      (Copybook GS4976 #8627)

1856 Aug 26   Patent  C5 L12E                                                                                             (Abstract Index)

1858 Sep 27    B&S    C5 L12E         to *John Clysdale                                           (Copybook GS4976 #12 540)

1867 Sep 23    Indenture C3 L15E  to *John Clysdale                                           (Copybook GS4977 #20 059)

1881                Cens    Age: 52, Religion: CofE, Birth: Ireland, Occupation: Farmer, Div/F/L: 2/21/24

                                                            Married but no wife.

                                                            With him: George (36), Martha (83, widow), Sarah (38)