Clysdale, William                             This may be two people

c1824              Birth   Ireland                        ASSUMED Parents: ? Clysdale. *Nancy       (1852, 1871 Census)

c1826              Birth   Ireland                        ASSUMED Parents: ? Clysdale. *Nancy       (1861 Census)

1852                Cens    Age: 28, Religion: Presb, Birth: Ireland, Occupation: Farmer, F/L: 7/6

                                    Ann Clysdale living with him – his mother?

1861                Cens    Age: 35, Religion: FP, Birth: Ireland, Occupation: Farmer, F/L: 24/37

                                    with him: Nancy – his mother?

1871                Cens    Age: 47, Religion: Cda Presb, Birth: Ireland, Occupation: Farmer, Div/F/L: 2/39/14

                                                            Married but no wife. With him: Nancy – his mother?

1871                Cens    Sched 4, C5 L17, Owner, Acres: 200, Div/F/L: 2/7/13

1881                Cens    not found in Ontario

1891                Cens    not found in Ontario

1901                Cens    not found in Ontario

1911                Cens    not found in Ontario