Brodie, Jane

c1809              Birth   Scotland                                                                                              (1871 Census)

c1811              Birth   Scotland                                                                                              (1852 & 1861 census)

1831                Marr    *Hugh McMullin                                                                    (date from 1861 Census)

1852                Cens    Age: 41, Religion: FC, Birth: Scotland, Occupation: Housekeeper, F/L: 27/48

1861                Cens    Age: 50, Religion: FC, Birth: Scotland, Occupation: , F/L: 12/42

                                                            Agnes, age 1, is with the family

1871                Cens    Age: 62, Religion: Cda Presb, Birth: Scotland, Occupation: , Sched 1, Div 2, F/L: 18/3

1871-1881      Death


                                    c1832              *Mary             (born Scotland)

                                    c1834              *Jane              (born Scotland)

                                    c1837              *Margaret

                                    c1839              *Hugh

                                    c1841              *James

                                    c1843              *Thomas

                                    c1845              *Andrew

                                    c1847              *John

                                    1851                *Martha?